Mixed methods" in Clinical Psychology – in research and everyday practice

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Psychological research has been predominantly hypothesis-oriented, following a process of predicting possible outcomes on the basis of literature and theories, testing these hypotheses. Quantitatively oriented studies are often conducted in larger samples, and are predominantly group-oriented. In comparison, qualitatively oriented studies are often conducted in small samples, are individual-oriented, and are predominantly concerned with process and the context of behaviors. This is observable in evaluations using e.g. semi-structured interviews or behavioral observations.  The need for a mixed methods design in clinical psychology emerges sometime during the course of projects, such as when the results are unexpected or not as meaningful as one expected them to be. This approach provides the researcher with the insight and the capability to utilize all necessary methods of inquiry for answering his or her research questions that need a broader view of interpretation. The lecture will give some examples referring to own studies on attachment research and its developmental and clinical implications.



Anna Buchheim

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