"Let's Talk about Science, Baby!" - A glimpse into Science Journalism

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    • hochgeladen 30. Oktober 2024

    How effective is the Covid vaccine? How promising are new technologies to help mitigate climate
    change? And how does NASA plan to establish a base on the moon? Scientific findings are often
    highly relevant or interesting to the public. At the same time, there is a huge disconnect between the
    perspective of the scientist deeply immersed in their field, and the average citizen. Science journalism
    tries to bridge that gap.
    The presentation aims to offer some insights into the inner workings of science journalism, discuss its
    value for society and its future. Finally, there will be some practical advice on how to talk about
    scientific projects more effectively – be it to a supervisor, other scientists, or your parents.


    Anna Weber, Neue Zürcher Zeitung

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