10 Years Video Based Training Evolution with ILIAS


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Video Training was always the focus of OC, the ILIAS Service Partner for Italy. From 2005 to 2017, we can track which were the different meanings and outcomes of using video in e-learning, from the "lesson imitation" to the "everything video" approach of nowadays. The presentation will for use stimulate discussion and creativity of using video in trainings from asynchronous to blended approach. The examples shown will include contents made for worlwide leading corporates such as Ferrari, Unilever, Baxter and others.

Zur Person: Roberto del Mastro started creating multimedia manuals in 1991 in VHS format for the professional audio market. From 2004 he uses ILIAS with the company he runs (OC OPEN CONSULTING, OC LAB). He is e-learning consultant in hi-tech sector and institutions, including UN Headquarters in New York, Ferrari Cars, Diakonie Bayern, Baxter Switzerland and others. He is also consultant in the bilingual German-Italian area of South Tyrol in Italy for the local government and health sector.


Roberto del Mastro, OC LAB Italy